masti city

a few things about money

this is a perpetually work-in-progress document

  1. it's only a character in your life, but we all put it at the centre.
  2. money buys time, and you sell your time for money.
  3. if you aren't rich, you aren't smart.
  4. it is the only resource available in abundance, everything else, from energy & fuel to love & trust, is far more scarce.
  5. $1M is when you enter the rookie league.
  6. it worries you the most while it's the most solvable piece of the puzzle.
  7. residents of each street of delhi, bombay, blr, ggn, pune likely have a combined net-worth above 50cr. minimum.
  8. you're peeling off layer1 to the onion of life when you solve for money.
  9. the more desperate you are, the lesser you will get, it's the backwards law. (only applies if you're privileged)
  10. act as poor as you can.
  11. invest & save.
  12. buy experiences, not materialistic-good-for-nothing-novelty-chasing goods.
  13. money is best spent on your loved ones, nothing trumps that.
  14. money based milestones are moving goal-posts.
  15. money is a maze, it is built to suck you in & it will toy with you all your life.
  16. ask your friends for money, return when need be.
  17. help your friends with money, it's the cheapest & the easiest thing you can give to them.
  18. too many relationships are f*cked over money, and it's never worth it.
  19. we're conditioned to use it as the common unit of comparing success, because it's not the best, but the most convenient way to quantify success.
  20. it's a ticket to freedom, doing what you love & spending time with self, friends & family.
  21. people who continuously boast about how much they make/have made are losers.
  22. if you're aimless with your purpose, solve for money as early as you can. use the money to find the rest of the answers.
  23. leverage & status are by-products of money, and it fast-track almost everything.
  24. be rich & anonymous.
  25. there are no get rich quick schemes.
  26. don't be greedy, you might make a lot, but you'll lose a lot more
  27. don't dupe anyone, cheat anyone - the consequences will make you regret your decisions forever. even if it's a dollar.